Motivation that make you start your own business Change Your Life Story Today With H2i Earn More Than Just Cash / This is Legit👇� Now helping hands international you join with R460 Level 1 It will earn you close to R800+ Level 2 You will earn R16000+ Brand new Apple ipad or hp / Lenovo laptops 💰💰 Stage 3 You will earn R48000+ Brand new Hyundai Elantra car (worth R352 000) R16000check each handed over to two non member of H2I whom you personally recommended to H2i as less priveledge All expenses int'l exotic holiday sponsored by h2i Level 4 You earn R96000+ and a brand new hyundai ix35 Jeep worth R432 000 Support an orphanage home you personally recommended to h2i Level 5 1. You earn R192000+ * R640 0000+ housing fund * R32000+ education fund for your children Visit Sponsor details : SIZWECIBANE Sponsor number :0743152879 *By becoming a partner with helping hands international * *with just a one time payment of $40(R460) u would have the chance to benefit the 5 service no experience needed,no monthly fees,no target,no monthly/yearly renew,u do not need to quit ur job on this one,u do it at ur own pace at ur leisure.* *All u need is just $40(R460) to register and after dat u share the vision with 2 of ur friends/family for them to become a partner also with their $40(R460)* *Then u teach those 2 friends/family to do the same everybody repeating the same process* *remember h2i pay you $8(R112) instantly when you introduce each person*
*MONEY EXCHANGER MAKE OVER R21,050 WITH R500 ONCE OFF BRING YOUR 2 PEOPLE AN YOU ARE SORTED* 2x3 Forced matrix, register 2 friends *Level 1* Donate R500 R500x2= R1000 Keep R150 upgrade to level 2 with R850 *Level 2* 4 people pay you after they got paid R850x4=R3,400 Keep R900; upgrade with R2,500 to level 3 *Level 3* 8 people pay you after they got paid R2,500 x 8= *R20,000* ALL PROFIT WITH 3 LEVELS IS *R21,050* *YOU CAN START AGAIN IF YOU ENJOY TO PLAY THIS GAME* START NOW