Network marketing or MLM ( multi level marketing) remain the best career for you. Why? You may asked. Because it is the only business you can start with a low capital and build up a multi million empire that generates passive income for you within 2 years interval of less depending on your determination. Gives you time freedom and opportunity to build network of people touching thousands of lives. Networking can come in two ways. 1 , it may involve selling of products 2 , No products is sold. Many people fine it difficult in the first type of nertworking business were you are given a target to meet every months. I am presenting to you a sale free nextworking program were you are not asked to buy or sale any product. No target No renewal You are your own boss choose what ever you want to achieve at any point in time. you don't need the world to join you just two friends registration is a token of $40 /R450 All you need donate and start sharing the h2i vision DO YOU K...