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Showing posts from September 28, 2017


Helping hands international  (H2i) IN SOUTH AFRICA WHO ARE WE; We are a community of positive - minded people. We believe that our destiny is in our hands and that we have the power to effect lasting changes in our lives and communities. We believe that we have all it takes to become responsible solutions providers to our society. We are inspired enough to inspire others our principal Cole values are humanitarian services. Among other things.we give hope to hopeless, food to the hungry, clothes to the naked and jot to the troubled hearts. OUR PASSION: We are building a community where everyone is interested in personal and community development we are a human capacity development organization. We help you discover youreself and position you for optimum performance in life. We teach principal that works. Principles for effective and productive intra and interpersonal relationship. Principles for personal achievement and wealth creation. If you truly desire positive and m...


*MONEY EXCHANGER MAKE OVER R21,050 WITH R500 ONCE OFF BRING YOUR 2 PEOPLE AN YOU ARE SORTED* 2x3 Forced matrix, register 2 friends *Level 1* Donate  R500 R500x2= R1000 Keep R150 upgrade to level 2 with R850 *Level 2* 4 people pay you after they got paid R850x4=R3,400 Keep R900; upgrade with R2,500 to level 3 *Level 3* 8 people pay you after they got paid R2,500 x 8= *R20,000* ALL PROFIT WITH 3 LEVELS IS *R21,050* *YOU CAN START AGAIN IF YOU ENJOY TO PLAY THIS GAME* START NOW


****NETWORK MARKETING TIPS**** Network Marketing is definitely not for people who just want to test waters. Not for People who just want to see if it really works or not. **You need to Aim High or dont do it at all. **You need to be prepared to sweat and squeeze out the beautiful results **Sleepless nights and long hours goes with the package. Good thing is you decide when to slow down and enjoy what you have built **Rejection is part of the package. So what?? This is a sign to move on **Be prepared to be ridiculed for what you do, but hey so what?? You know what you want. Press on and lead them with success **Be prepared to serve **Be humble, or it will humble you. **Be prepared to love, to be patient THE SKY WILL NOT EVEN BE THE LIMIT ___________________________________________________ Sometimes life steps in and you simply must deal with it. How you see your life, your situation and circumstances that you cannot control or change, is determined by your point of view. Dec...